Monday, August 15, 2011

Growing Pet

The children in A2 have a growing pet in their class. We started of by putting the egg in the water and we have been watching it as it grows. By the end of the day, the egg started cracking. Here is a video about our experience.

What do you think the egg will crack into?


Sonia said...

The dinosaur came out of the egg.

Shubhreet said...

The T-Rex came out of the egg.

Jovial said...

The dinosaur came out and he was hungry.

Xavier said...

The dinosaur is going to grow bigger.

Louise said...

I think the dinosaur is going to eat everyone in the school.

Iyad said...

Maybe the egg will crack into a dinosaur

Elysia said...

I think the dinosaur will crack and eat all the children and the teachers.

Priyanka said...

I think it will grow bigger and be our friend and a kind dinosaur.

A1 kids said...

We think a dinosaur has come out of the egg, but we hope it is a friendly dinosaur not a T-Rex that will eat us up.

Palmy and Nancy C1 said...

I think it will grow more bigger then it will eat all the kids and teachers.

Palmy and Nancy C1 said...

I think it will grow more bigger then it will eat all the kids and teachers.

Andrea Des Forges said...

If it is a T rex hatching I hope you guys train it well and teach it to be a vegetarian!